Course Policies

The integration of artificial intelligence into higher education raises important ethical questions about its responsible use in the learning process. Example policies presented here take different approaches, from prohibiting to permitting to actively encouraging AI use in coursework. The intent is not to endorse any single policy, but rather to provide faculty well-reasoned samples to adapt to their specific contexts.

As this technology grows increasingly ubiquitous, establishing ethical AI literacy emerges as an important responsibility for institutions and educators. These example policies are a starting point for an essential conversation about guiding the next generation of AI users.

 -  Written by Dominic Slauson in collaboration with Claude

Course Policy 1: A Balanced Approach

In this course, students are encouraged to use generative AI tools such as ChatGPT with intention and care, while upholding principles of academic integrity. AI can be a powerful resource for generating ideas, improving writing style, and enhancing creativity. However, work produced solely by AI should never be submitted for course credit.

If you choose to utilize AI tools in your academic process, you must:

As new technologies like AI continue evolving, so too will this policy through an open dialogue between students and faculty. We navigate these tools together through care, ethics, and mutual understanding. Please reach out with any questions or concerns around the use of AI in our shared learning process.

Course Policy 2: An Enthusiastic Approach

This course embraces the tremendous potential of new generative AI technologies like ChatGPT to augment and enhance student learning. These tools offer exciting new possibilities for gathering ideas, improving your writing, and stimulating creativity.

I encourage you to actively utilize ChatGPT and other AI tools to enrich your learning experience in this course. At the same time, it is vital we do so in a thoughtful manner that upholds academic integrity. Please follow these guidelines when incorporating AI into your work:

With sound judgement and ethics, AI can significantly enhance learning and creativity. I encourage you to tap into its possibilities as we traverse this emerging terrain together. Let's have an amazing semester discovering innovative ways to responsibly integrate AI into our educational journey!

Course Policy 3: A Restrictive Approach

The use of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT is prohibited for course assignments unless explicitly instructed by faculty. Students should complete work independently without the use of AI to generate content on their behalf.

The intent of this policy is to uphold principles of academic integrity and ensure students develop core skills this course aims to build, which include critical thinking, writing, research and analysis. While AI tools have potential to assist learning, utilizing them to generate complete or significant portions of work does not allow for an authentic assessment of student abilities.

I realize that AI tools take many forms and can be used in many ways. Please reach out to the instructor if you have any questions regarding what does or does not constitute acceptable use of AI or other technologies for coursework. There may be certain circumstances in which AI tools can play a constructive role, so starting a conversation is encouraged to explore those possibilities together. This policy may evolve over time as AI technology continues advancing.

These policies are inspired in large part by a crowd sourced collection of generative AI policies that was started by Lance Eaton
You can view more examples here: Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools